The digital health space refers to the integration of technology and health care services to improve the overall quality of health care delivery. It encompasses a wide range of innovative and emerging technologies such as wearables, telehealth, artificial intelligence, mobile health, and electronic health records (EHRs). The digital health space offers numerous benefits such as improved patient outcomes, increased access to health care, reduced costs, and improved communication and collaboration between patients and health care providers. For example, patients can now monitor their vital signs such as blood pressure and glucose levels from home using wearable devices and share the data with their doctors in real-time. Telehealth technology allows patients to consult with their health care providers remotely without having to travel to the hospital, making health care more accessible, particularly in remote or rural areas. Artificial intelligence can be used to analyze vast amounts of patient data to identify patterns, predict outcomes, and provide personalized treatment recommendations. Overall, the digital health space is rapidly evolving, and the integration of technology in health

Sunday, June 28, 2015

E-value Mobile Health Education Curriculum Accreditation Management Clinical CompetencyCl

For those of you who have, or are discovering the  wealth of health apps available, not just for EHR or patient care we are publishing this special edition of Digital Health Space.

The title covers a swath of applications which may be unknown to  conventional practitioners and even some academicians.

1. E-value
2. Mobile Health
3. Health Education
4. Curriculum
5. Accreditation Management
6. Clinical competency logging

E*VALUE is a cloud based service (SAAS), which offers multiple solutions for users as needed.

Optimized Scheduling

Clinical Solutions

Teaching Solutions

Accreditation Solutions

     NAS & Milestones

     GME Insight

   Features of GME Insight Include: 
  • Milestones Reporting
  • Specialty-specific and sub-competency content
  • NAS-Related Program Indicators
  • Program-Level Dashboards and GME-Level Dashboards
  • Support for Annual webADS Reporting
  • Secure Data
  • PubMed Interface
    Allows students, faculty and administrators to retrieve, review and save PubMed articles without leaving E*Value.
  • Accessible From Any Device With Internet Access
    Teaching Solutions  (Video)

Empowering the Patient

New business models for pharmaceutical and medical device companies

Mobility is a key factor for staying in the game. This applies to providers as well.

How interoperability impacts the pace of mHealth adoption

Intelligent healthcare and the power of mHealth (Video)

Patients, health insurers, pharmaceutical companies, medical device manufacturers, hospitals are all adopting to the new 'mobile health paradigm.  Providers seem to be the last group to sign on

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