The digital health space refers to the integration of technology and health care services to improve the overall quality of health care delivery. It encompasses a wide range of innovative and emerging technologies such as wearables, telehealth, artificial intelligence, mobile health, and electronic health records (EHRs). The digital health space offers numerous benefits such as improved patient outcomes, increased access to health care, reduced costs, and improved communication and collaboration between patients and health care providers. For example, patients can now monitor their vital signs such as blood pressure and glucose levels from home using wearable devices and share the data with their doctors in real-time. Telehealth technology allows patients to consult with their health care providers remotely without having to travel to the hospital, making health care more accessible, particularly in remote or rural areas. Artificial intelligence can be used to analyze vast amounts of patient data to identify patterns, predict outcomes, and provide personalized treatment recommendations. Overall, the digital health space is rapidly evolving, and the integration of technology in health

Sunday, November 25, 2018

15 Virtual Reality Startups in Healthcare - Nanalyze

Virtual reality or VR is not taking off in gaming. Business applications like healthcare are a different story. 16 VR startups in healthcare and medical.

Virtual reality (VR) is usually associated with gaming — you put on a headset and step into a virtual world where you can solve puzzles, slay enemies or gain experience. While we were simply floored by how amazing it was to play games in VR, everyone else just shrugged and went back to arguing about politics. While a great medium for playing video games, VR just hasn’t taken off as expected and is now in the “trough of disillusionment“. While VR gaming stalls, commercial applications are looking promising. In the same way that artificial intelligence is being focused on healthcare, many startups are creating virtual universes to change the face of healthcare for many people.

When  you are ready to dive in

15 Virtual Reality Startups in Healthcare - Nanalyze:

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog and easy understandable. Thanks for sharing

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