The digital health space refers to the integration of technology and health care services to improve the overall quality of health care delivery. It encompasses a wide range of innovative and emerging technologies such as wearables, telehealth, artificial intelligence, mobile health, and electronic health records (EHRs). The digital health space offers numerous benefits such as improved patient outcomes, increased access to health care, reduced costs, and improved communication and collaboration between patients and health care providers. For example, patients can now monitor their vital signs such as blood pressure and glucose levels from home using wearable devices and share the data with their doctors in real-time. Telehealth technology allows patients to consult with their health care providers remotely without having to travel to the hospital, making health care more accessible, particularly in remote or rural areas. Artificial intelligence can be used to analyze vast amounts of patient data to identify patterns, predict outcomes, and provide personalized treatment recommendations. Overall, the digital health space is rapidly evolving, and the integration of technology in health

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

How Artificial Intelligence will add to the growth of PrecisionHealthLLM

Medicine today is imprecise. Among the top 20 drugs in the U.S., up to 80% of patients are non-responders. The goal of precision health is to provide the right intervention for the right people at the right time. The key to realize this dream is to develop a data-driven, learning system that can instantly incorporate new health information to optimize care delivery and accelerate biomedical discovery. In reality, however, the health ecosystem is mired in overwhelming unstructured data and excruciating manual processing. For example, in cancer, standard of care often fails, and clinical trials are the last hope. Yet less than 3% of patients can find a matching trial, whereas 40% of trial failures simply stem from insufficient recruitment. Discovery is painfully slow as a new drug may take billions of dollars and over a decade to develop.

In this tutorial, we will explore how large language models (LLMs) can serve as a universal structuring tool to democratize biomedical knowledge work and usher in an intelligence revolution in precision health. We first review background for precision health and give a broad overview of the AI revolution that culminated in the development of large language models, highlighting key technical innovations and prominent trends such as consolidation of AI methods across modalities. We then give an in-depth review of biomedical LLMs and precision health applications, with a particular focus on scaling real-world evidence generation and drug discovery. To conclude, we discuss key technical challenges (e.g., bias, hallucination, cost), societal ramifications (e.g., privacy, regulation), as well as exciting research frontiers such as prompt programming, knowledge distillation, multi-modal learning, causal discovery.

PrecisionHealthLLM: PrecisionHealthLLM

A non-exhaustive list of AI applications

Precision Health

              AI in health and medicine

Foundation models for generalist medical artificial intelligence

LLMs for Precision Health

GPT-4 in Medicine

Biomedical LLMs

LLMs for Real-World Evidence

LLMs for Drug Discovery

Application Challenges



Research Frontiers

Prompt Programming

Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)

Knowledge Distillation

Multi-modal learning

Causal Discovery

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